Thursday, November 09, 2006

When people at work say, "What are you doing for the weekend?" I'm torn. I know no matter what I say, I'm going to get a look.
The conversation usually goes like this:
"I'm going on a retreat."
"Really? Who are you going with?"
"Some ladies from church."
End of conversation.
Or it can go like this:
"I'm going on a quilting retreat--don't make fun."
"It takes all kinds."
End of conversation.
I can't win.

I'm very excited about the retreat this year, but also very nervous. There are a TON of us going, and for some reason I just can't shake the worry that it won't be PERFECT and that I won't get to see everyone I want to see and hang out with. I honestly feel like I'm heading to Junior High camp. Every single year I panicked because I was just positive that it wouldn't be as good as the year before. I'm trying to remember that God always has (and had, even when I was 13) a higher agenda than mine, and that every year was wonderful regardless of my petty worries.
Easier said than done.
I can't wait to get out of here, though! It's going to be a LOOOOOONG day!

It's finally here
the quilting retreat has come
got lots to get done!

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