Friday, January 05, 2007

Pipe Dreams

Last fall Rich and I decided we were going to remodel our house. We decided to upgrade our deck to a 3-season porch, and we were going to completely remodel the bathroom.
We got excited and strolled through Home Depot imagining our updated home and its immediately improved value.
To be honest, I never imagined we would actually start working on this stuff; I secretly assumed that we would only talk about these wonderful improvements, which is what happened until one day when the toilet seat broke. Richard thought we could live with it until it pinched him on the ass. He went out that night and bought a toilet seat.
I admit, with this purhcase I let my hopes rise. I thought, "This is it. This purchase will lead to a brand new bathroom!"
Alas, it did not.
Then the handle on the toilet broke. Rich bought a new handle. He picked out a pretty pewter handle that will match the new fixtures we will have...some day (I'm not getting my hopes up this time).
So...after all our grand dreams, the only thing Rich and I have remodeled is the toilet.


Naomi said...

And a dang pretty toilet it is!

Anonymous said...

I kinda force the issue by starting myself and then breaking something beyond repair and then Patrick gets busy!

Anonymous said...

Nothing says "remodel NOW" like a pinch on the ass...

Anonymous said...

I wonder how I can make the siding on the house pinch my husband's rump...hmmm. How about strategically placed slivers? Yep, that'll do.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha, Kelli won't say "ass".
Whadderya Yellah?