I stayed up til 1am last night playing with my iPod. I added a bunch of new cd's, downloaded songs from when I was in highschool, and created a bunch of new playlists. What fun!
I wish I could tell you it was worth it. I originally intended to tell you all that I think I might be turning into an introvert, but that was before.
Before my entire day went to SHIT.
It all started at 1am last night when I set my alarm for 6:45pm instead of am.
Now, I wish I could tell you that was true.
Instead, it's just what I'm telling my co-workers. In actuality, I thought my boss was going to be out of town early this morning, so I hit the snooze...for an hour.
A word to the wise: If you're toing to play with fire, you'd better damn well make sure that your boss IS OUT OF TOWN.
Imagine my horror when his car was in his spot this morning when I got here, after sitting in traffic for longer than I should have at that late hour, drove through McDonald's where they screwed up my order, and drove around for 15 minutes looking for a parking spot.
Needless to say, the bossman wasn't too happy with me by the time I walked in the door at NINE. THIRTY., only to discover / remember that I have to leave at 11:30 to work at a United Way phone bank until 6pm tonight.
Did I have the heart to tell the bossman that I'm leaving at 11:30 for the rest of the day? Nope.
Sure hope his flights go ok, because he won't be able to get ahold of me.
I hate getting in "trouble." I would ask you to pray for the rest of my day, but I'm keenly aware that everything that has gone wrong today is simply due to my own carelessness, selfishness, laziness, and pridefulness.
On the bright side (the only bright side), I have several new playlists to listen to this morning while I race around trying to get stuff done.
-Memories; songs that take me to a specific time and place (this list will grow over time)
-Songs to teach baby (songs I intend to sing with my baby in the car--yes, AC/DC made the list)
-Lullaby (songs to learn to sing to baby in the rocking chair)
-Christmas (only my select favorites--Nick & Jessica didn't make the cut)
-Envelope Stuffing (fun stuff to listen to while I'm doing a crappy boring job at work)
-P&W (again, I'm trying to be very selective on this one--no MWS, ifyouknowwhatImean)