Wednesday, December 12, 2007


What's the deal with guys turning the "heat" on full blast in the car before the engine is warm?
What's the deal with jumping right out of bed in the morning? And falling right asleep at night?
What's the deal with the "farmer blow?" (Sorry, Kristi)
What's the deal with the secret stash (i.e. entire Rubbermaid tote) of electrical cords?
What's the deal with Metallica?
What's the deal with Cap'n Crunch?
What's the deal with belly button lint? I mean, really.

On my iPod at this moment:
"Under Pressure" David Bowie & Freddie Mercury. (heart)


Katie R. said...

I like what you wonder. Glad you're back. Oh, to answer your questions, "I have NO idea".

zcoffeegirl said...

What's the deal with blowing your nose in the shower?

I'm blaming it all on testosterone. What else is there?

Unknown said...

This is your best post to date simply because you mention Metallica.

Elisabeth said...

i agree to the belly lint and the blowing your nose in the shower.

erin said...

Um, Pat. I think I asked, "What's the deal??"
Care to comment?

erin said...

Coffeegirl: FARMER BLOW.
Same diff. Both equally disgusting.

angie said...

belly button lint is a forever-mystery to me. please don't ruin it by solving it. but seriously, i'm with you.

kristi noser said...

I'm sorry I can't comment--I'm gagging too hard at the farmer blow, which John does all. the. time.

NoOtherName said...

Yay--Erin made Kristi gag! Who's next?

erin said...

Whatever. Kristi is SO easy!

NoOtherName said...

I use to have belly button lint myself, but now after carrying 4 butterballs I no longer have a belly button to store it in.

Could be a good thing, Isuppose.

Anonymous said...

What's the deal with that awful hacking up something noise after brushing teeth? Ewwww

Love your blog!

Katie R. said...

Dear Pat,
Good night and "Enter Sandman". Ha!!!

Dear Erin,
I accidently had a Metallica tape in high school. Sorry if I messed up your questions.

-V- said...

I don't get the secret stash of electrical cord either. You don't need it? PURGE.

Swirlingeddy said...

What's the deal with David Bowie and Freddie Mercury?

Swirlingeddy said...

What's the deal with football? I guess it must have been an interesting challenge for someone to invent a game in which the rules are completely incomprehensible and at the same time is less interesting to watch than grass growing.

Swirlingeddy said...

Yeah, Cap'n Crunch! We like to have the roofs of our mouths hurt a little after breakfast, that's all.

zcoffeegirl said...

That is so true of Captain Crunch! I never really noticed, but now that I think about it...I remember that feeling. I feel like a light bulb just went on. Sometimes, it's the little things that entertain me..okay most of the time..I'm saying it before somebody else does.

Farmer Blow? I am hearing it in my


kristi noser said...

Yes, bananas in plastic bags. Gag-o-rama.

theswamphare said...

okay, the only reason I run the heat in the car is to defost the windows;
Mettalica? Run to the hills;
belly-button lint is because chest and belly hair rub the fibres loose from garments, then it's kind of like the way rugs drift.. here's a boogity-eew for Kristi...Where does back lint collect?
Farmer blow is just a quick and easy way to mark our territory without having to stop and drop trou;
beds are for sleeping and playing so if you're not doing one or the other...;
Cap'n Crunch is not gender exclusive;
electrical cords must be hidden from women so that we can find one when we need to listen to Mettalica and run the circular saw.

Kelli said...

Swirling - I'll send my 14-year-old over to explain the game. You'll be hooked in no time...I was.

What's with music equipment? One guitar is never enough. "They sound different"...whatever. Isn't that what the umpteen little foot pedals are for? Not to mention the tuners, the stands, the amps. Ugh.

I hear ya about electrical cords. Try adding to that the cardboard box of electrical WIRES (that are all jumbled and twisted) being kept for 18 years "just in case". And music cords. Sheesh.

Swampy's right - Cap'n Crunch is NOT gender specific. I love that! Just hate the pain afterwards. And the skin hanging in shreds from the roof of my mouth.

theswamphare said...

Isn't 'swirling' a high-school thing that involves bullies and toilets?

Brandy Dopkins said...

I so understand the secret stash of cords. I have one too- electrical and technological- need a USB cord? I got 20.

kristi noser said...

Truth be told, I would never ask a man (sorry) for a computer cord. I run to my girl.

Kristin said...

Wow, this blog is a fountain for lots of Friday afternoon thought.

We were at Walmart the other night and Jeff got very excited somewhere between housewares and automotive. He found a thingy to bind up giant electical cords. It's a rubbery contraption. He reminded me that I had used his velcro thingy to tie up my Delphinium so I was not to use this thingy for other than its intended purpose. He doesn't even own a saw or like Metallica.
