Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Dear Popular Cosmetics Store,

I love, love, LOVE spending my lunch hour browsing your aisles. I know many of your saleswomen find this amusing based on the amount of make up I wear--or I should say, don't wear. I can't help it. I love looking. I buy nail polish, typically in the same color every time, I buy make up, use it once or twice and then lose or break it. In short, I've wasted a lot of money inside your four very well lit walls, but what Richard doesn't know won't hurt him, right?!
Thank you for the coupons in the mail recently. My favorite makeup brand on sale for $9.99--what a deal for a 3-piece set! And with a $3.50 Off coupon for any purchase over $10. I couldn't believe my luck! Not to mention the free nail polish with my Level 1 rewards certificate! Score me!
So, I brought my coupons to work with me today looking forward to my trip all morning.
Imagine my disappointment when $9.99 is not the same thing as $10 (even with 8% tax!), therefore, I had to spend a little more money on something else to get the deal.
No big deal. The Holiday nail polish set was on sale for $4.50. Sweet. I sorta wanted that anyway.
Uh-oh! The $10 total purchase could not include the 3-piece make up set. Drat! I should have read the fine print. Silly me!
Well, I need hair color so Nene can do my hair this weekend. I guess I can spend $5 more.
$18 later, I am still pretty excited about the purchases I probably won't use.
Looking forward to more coupons!
Sincerely Suckered,

p.s. I feel really, REALLY bad about knocking over that Ralph Lauren cologne set on my way to the register. I'm sorry it exploded all over the floor. I'm sorry it's all over my shoes right now.


angie said...

eek! that sounds like a messy story, erin. ... but at least you sort of had fun? and trust me--come halloween in 7 years, you'll be glad you have all that excess makeup you never used.

Cara said...

You gotta love Ulta! :)

zcoffeegirl said...

But do you like the smell? That's what I want to know...

Kelli said...

I think someone should film you.

Totally laughing right now.

erin said...

Coffee--NO! It was NOT a good smell!

I just re-read my post. There are a lot of typos. I think I'm getting stupid.
