Sunday, December 02, 2007

The Untold Story of the Little Red Hen: A Story of Love, Lust and Compromise

The Little Red Hen had big plans for her Sunday. She wanted to dress the children, put up the Christmas tree and bake cookies.
When she rose very early, she said to Richard the Rooster, "Who will dress the children?"
"Will you have sex with me?" said the Rooster.
"Not right now," said the Little Red Hen, "I have too much to do."
"Then, not I," said the Rooster, "I have homework to do."
The Little Red Hen was able to dress two of the children, but the third was forced to spend the day hiding her face in her nakedness.

Later that day, the Little Red Hen said,
"Who will decorate the Christmas tree?"
"Will you have sex with me?" said Richard the Rooster.
"Not now," said the Little Red Hen, "I have too much to do."
"Then, not I," said the Rooster, "I have to play Madden."

So the Little Red Hen decorated the Christmas tree all by herself.

Then it came time to make the cookies.
"Who will make the cookies?" said the Little Red Hen.
"Will you have sex with me?" said the Rooster.
"Not now, I'm almost done with my chores," said the Little Red Hen.
"Then not I," said the Rooster. "I'm tired of asking."
"Fine!" said the Little Red Hen, and spent an hour clucking to herself in the kitchen, only to turn around to discover that someone had eaten a cookie!

The Little Red Hen was beside herself in anger.
"Who ate this cookie?" she screeched.

"Not I," said Pedro."
"Not I," said Lexi.
"Not I," hacked Old Man Bailey.
"Not I," said Richard the rooster, wiping chocolate chips from his mouth.

"It was you!" said the Little Red Hen.

Hours later, after a long talk about cookies and sex, it was decided between the Rooster and the Hen that never the tween shall meet.
And the next time the Little Red Hen made cookies, she also made cookies ifyaknowwhatimean.


Elisabeth said... if my rooster could be home to help de-ice the driveway...

thank goodness for neighbors with snowplows and four wheel drive trucks.

i baked this weekend too.

-V- said...

LOL! You are completely and totally out of control! (And I love it)! ;-)

Laura said...

sounds too familiar... One of Galen's complaints, too!

angie said...

heheh oh, erin. ... :) this certainly was a good creative writing exercise! i think august would approve. maybe next time you could try the king james version?

Anonymous said...

Is Angie talking the KJV on the story or on the sex? And was the little red hen a bible story. I missed that the hen in the Song of Solomon.

Katie R. said...

Yes, but were the cookies good? ;0

angie said...

HA! i certainly meant the story at the time, but i suppose the latter could be at least as ... interesting.

Swirlingeddy said...


kristi noser said...


theswamphare said...


Swirlingeddy said...

" . . . never the twain shall meet."

Anonymous said...

So, I am not a poet, and not very good with words. What is the moral of the story? The only thing i can pull together goes something like this.... The author was describing her frustration from her bad prioritization and hence, the moral of the story is: If the Red Hen would, (and only the Red Hen can) meet the need the Rooster clearly addressed, the Rooster would be willing to help dress the children, help decorate the Christmas tree, and help make cookies.