We had a very nice (but short) Christmas weekend.
We spend all day Saturday with the Grandmas at the farm, then Sunday evening with Richard's family, and Monday with my family and then Richard's immediate family joined us at our house for dinner and "Deal or No Deal."
One of the highlights of my Christmas had to be the "Camp-Stove Coffee Cookoff." Dad gave Lauren a camp stove and a coffee pot for Christmas and challenged her to a duel. The participants were graded on three criteria. 1. Taste--whose coffee tastes the best? 2. Speed--who could make coffee the fastest? 3. Style and Cleanliness--who looked the best while cooking? Who could make coffee with the least amount of mess? It was a very close race, but Lauren pulled through in the end despite a HUGE boil-over. Simply put, her coffee tasted the best. (Sorry, Dad)

Dad and Lauren before the competition.

Dad setting his watch.

Dad adjusting the flame (yes flame) on his camp stove.

Lauren watching intently for her coffee to perk.

Both pots had overflowed by this point.
Who says we don't know how to have fun in the Duffert family?
We are heading out of town for my cousin's wedding this afternoon--have a safe and Happy New Year!
Rich gave me a digital camera for Christmas. Can you tell?