Sunday, April 06, 2008

Freckle Face

This weekend, someone said, "Your baby doesn't have freckles yet. Do you think she will?"
I said, "Oh, probably." Smile.
She said, "I'm sure you just hate them, but I think they're adorable."
I didn't think people said stuff like that unless they were at my place of employment...


Brandy Dopkins said...

Love it-
Recently, a sweet old lady, who you and I and many reading this blog know, said to me, "oh, you are wearing glasses." (mind you, I have worn glasses for years.)

and then she said "well, you are cute anyway." and smiled like she had just made my day.

Katie R. said...

Maybe the freckle comment lady does work in your office? She may have started after you left? I'm just saying...

In regards to Brandy's comment I'm going to imagine who said that, I think I may be right. :)

Scholar and Sailor said...

I think these are the same people that make comments on curlies: 'Oh, your hair is so pretty, but I'm sure you just hate it.'

Um...thanks? I think that's all you can say, really!

Brandy Dopkins said...

oh- I've said that. doh! noted for future reference- dont' say that.

Jolene said...

They didn't tell you, I guess.

Your old job was made up. A subsampling of every personality type in a smaller scope in order to prepare you for what you were going to meet in the real world. Scary, ain't it. ;)

Scott the Beard said...

I know I'm a little later here, but I'm so glad you have a healthy, happy baby. Seriously, hooray. She's super cute on to boot.

Jodi said...

I was kinda wondering if she was offending you when she was saying that!

erin said...

Jolene, I think you are on to something. Jodi, I actually wasn't offended. It's just too funny not to mention.
Scott, THANK YOU!!