Thursday, August 09, 2007


Today while Richard was napping, Pedro and I went to the end of the driveway to get the mail (a task that took too much energy until today--I've neglected it for oh...3 days now). Just as we reached the mailbox, the mailman pulled up.
Pedro, friendly little rascal that he is, jumped RIGHT into the mail truck and made friends.
"You've got a friendly little dog there!" said Mailman.
"Yeah, I know--he'd drive away with anybody!"
At that moment the cat came out from under a bush.
"Oh, do the cat and dog get along?" asked Mailman.
"Oh yes, they are best friends. They do everything together," I replied.
And at that exact moment, Pedro did a divebomb on the cat rolling him onto his back and biting his neck. The cat hissed and growled with all four feet in the air.
The mailman laughed and drove away.
They really are best friends. I swear.


kristi noser said...

When we go to Smith's house and bring Eddie, their dog Nana sees him and immediately the growling and biting begin. They are best friends as well--really!

Katie R. said...

That is so funny! I completely expected you to say the cat jumped into the mailtruck along with Pedro.

Anonymous said...

Our mailman gives Nana treats to keep her out of the truck...I don't get the logic there. She'll chase that truck for blocks just for a treat (we really DO feed her) and her ears perk right up when he gets within a couple blocks from our house. I think he's one of her best friends...I wonder if the feeling is mutual.

Anonymous said...

My parents had a little dog when I was a kid, and I had a big, orange and white tomcat. I had to pick the dog up for the meter-reader one day but my cat ran down the stairs to the landing, wrapped his arms around the leg of the meter-reader and, tail whipping maldly, bit him on the calf before dashing away.

The guy yelped, but never reported the attack.