Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Thou Shalt Not...

...Kill your husband.
When I left for work yesterday, I made Richard promise me that he wouldn't try to go down to the basement or take a shower or anything dangerous while I was gone. He swore he wouldn't do anything foolish.
I got home to discover that he had pulled the refridgerator out from the wall to "clean behind it."
As Kristi would say, "OMS."


kristi noser said...

OMS is right.

Naomi said...

Did he find a rotten mouse?

Katie R. said...

Why, oh why can they NOT hold still? Matthew once installed a sign the day after knee surgery. GRRR! At least maybe he's healing well, or at least he was.

Anonymous said...

My heart skipped a beat when I read this. Maybe we need to locate Richard under the frig to hold him in place while you are at work. At least he would not go hungry. We can always drop him in Balsam Lake for some old fashion discipline. momII

Anonymous said...

Have Richard read this story from cnn. http://edition.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/asiapcf/08/14/japan.biker.reut/index.html
Japanese biker failed to notice his leg had been severed below knee in accident.Biker hit a safety barrier, and rode on for (1.2 miles).A friend picked up the missing limb which had been crushed in the collision. FYI: Do as you wife tells you...