Tuesday, July 25, 2006

New Job

I toured the Commercial Care Division (my new dept) Labs today, and learned a lot about what we produce. My division sells cleaners and scrubbers, and cleaning chemicals to hospitals and restaurants. We make really cool stuff. I was pretty impressed. It's cool to spend time with people who get excited about what they do.
Conversely, I must be a real drag to hang out with.


Carla said...

Does any of the cool stuff you make get the fart smell off couches? I dare ya to ask your boss.

erin said...

Subject: A friend's couch
Dear boss,
A friend of mine is having a problem with her couch. It smells like farts. Any sugestions?

Subject: Re: A friend's couch
I think she should probably just get a new couch. We may be 3M, inventors of the Post-It and other genius products, but we have not yet found a way to remove the "fart smell" from upholstery or foam cushions. Send her my best.

Well, there you have it.

kristi noser said...

Shut up Erin, You are a blast and you know it! Just you don't get excited about scrubbie pads.

Anonymous said...

Erin, wanna quit your job and work a paper route? Think of the laughs...

kristi noser said...

true story!