Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Rage Against the Animals

Remember Pedro? Who(m?) I loooove so much? The little puppy over whom I cried and cried when he fell off the deck? Well, I wish I HAD kicked him!
He chewed up my favorite pair of sandals that I got in Hawaii the last time we were there--the last Duffert family vacation! Now that's all gone forever.
And the cat is sitting beside me, grooming a CHAIR.
I live in a freaking menagerie.

Too mad for haiku.
I need out of this barnyard!
I want my shoes back!


kristi noser said...

I need some more stuff from Hawaii too, so I guess we'll have to go back.

Anonymous said...

It's not bad enough that the little buggers chew up the stuff in the first place, but then when they hork up the slimy pieces, you get to clean THAT up!

kristi noser said...

Hork is such a good word for such a bad thing!

Jenna said...

This is hilarious! Slash terrible. But the image is hilarious. I love you!
(slash I miss you terribly, please come to Ankara and be my roomie)

kristi noser said...

It's been SEVEN DAYS!! I'm dying here!!!