Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Writers, Writers Everywhere--Part 2

So the first night of the writers group went well.
I enjoyed myself thoroughly, and I feel like I got some good feedback on the first 6 pages of my Romance Novel.
I need help though. My heroine needs a new name. She is currently (and was named before Baby Ruth joined us) Ruthie. She, I'm sorry to say, is not a Ruthie. She's tough, rebellious, and confused.
So...help me out folks. What's her name?

Winner gets a free candy bar of his or her choice.*
*I reserve the right to not choose a winner if I deem none of the names given satisfactory.

Ruthie you are not,
heroine of my story.
We need a good name!


Carla said...

or Carla

kristi noser said...

Bennie--short for Bernadine
doesn't that just say "sassy" to you?

erin said...

TOUGH. Not sassy.