Monday, September 15, 2008

My Heroes

Are men truly unafraid of mice, or do they just pretend for our benefit?

Thank you, Grandpa Bob, Richard and Pedro for rescuing me from my mouse today.
Kitty, you are a worthless beast. In fact, I would be willing to bet good money (that could happily be spent on something else like coffee or a new outfit for the baby) that you probably brought the mouse IN the house.


Anonymous said...

Why did it take 3 of them?

theswamphare said...

I suspect that my fascination for mice has something to do with Ohana's desire for them; causative or otherwise...

Jolene said...

Um, when I have mouse stories, I give the nasty details. Why did you leave yours out? I'm very glad, though, that you were able to be rescued. Nothin' like a knight in shining armor in our time of need :)

Jolene said...

p.s. love the Popeye picture :)