Friday, March 02, 2007

I like inside jokes

...I'd like to be a part of one someday.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Stream,
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to thank you very sincerely for introducing Richard and me to The Office on Thursday evenings on NBC.
It has changed our lives. It's not only funny on many different levels, it continues to deliver incredible humor week after week, and also faithfully represents my working life.
The show is so dry, however, that I'm surprised it is still on television. To be honest, things I enjoy don't usually last long (remember Rags to Riches?). This fact gives me a sense of urgency every time I sit down to watch and helps me enjoy each episode as the lovely jewel that it is.
In closing, thank you very sincerely for the light you have brought into our lives.
Your friend,


Katie R. said...

When you were explaining the baby talker at your office, I actually thought it would be a good character for the show.

Carla said...

Dear Erin and Richard,
You are so welcome! There aren't many of us out here. Let's stick together.
Be sure to rent the first two seasons on DVD.
Mr. and Mrs. Stream

kristi noser said...

Ohmygoodness--they're EVERYWHERE!

Carla said...

Except for you my dear Kriddi. You have not caved!'s funny...youwillloveit...watchtheshow, watchtheshow.