Monday, March 12, 2007


I've been tanning.
Now, before you start, I know how bad it is for me. But I don't care. It lightens my mood and energizes me. I don't smoke, on average I have one drink (or less) per week, I don't do drugs. I like coca cola, and I like to go tanning occasionally. Everybody has their vices.
Those of you who know me know how dark I can get, and since I'm up to 9 minutes in the tanning bed, the next time you see me, you probably won't recognize me.
Let's be honest, if you don't recognize me it will be because my freckles have joined forces and turned me into another race.
So, today, I went for 9 minutes over my lunch and I burned my white little hiney, among other things. Seriously, people, I'm worried about body parts falling off.
I'm concerned about my sanity, though, because I knew I was burned as soon as I was done, but what did I do on my way out? I asked the girl how soon I could come back. She said I have to wait 24 hours. Crap!


Kim N. said...

I havn't written a poem in 20 years but here goes...
Haiku is 5 - 7 - 5 syllables right?

You have burnt your bum
what will your honey say about that
Next time cover it up


Anonymous said...

Wow Kim. That's impressive. I might be inspired to haiku too!

Tanning rocks and I definitely don't like to be too hot. It's a different thing, difficult to describe. Maybe the Haiku Lady could cook up something. TeeHee

Aunt Kris

Anonymous said...

Remember when I tanned for awhile last year? I got SUPER dark, cause i have super absorbent skin like that. I miss it. I think I still have your individual eye goggle thingies, want them back??

Naomi said...

Tan away girlfriend! You gotta catch up to me! (Although I didn't tan very well on the cruise, I just got splotchy heat rash every day. Ugh.)