Monday, March 05, 2007

Dove Thoughts--Part Two

Ok, I admit it. I didn't see the appeal to Dove chocolate until recently. I typically like chocolate so dark that it's like eating a spoonful of coffee grounds, and Dove just doesn't deliver chocolate that dark. Then there was the whole...Dove Promises thing. I admit, I faked it in my post on Dove in the fall of last year. I just didn't see the appeal.
Until recently.
Have you tried the ones with caramel?
Yum-O, as my best friend would say.
In order to enjoy the caramel goodness, I've had to put aside my feelings for Dove Promises. I thought I'd share some of my favorites* with you.
-Count the stars.
-Share a sunset.
-Sing along with the elevator music.
-Today is definitely a bubble bath day.
-Flirt with someone.
Do you see what's going on here? These aren't promises. They're suggestions. Commandments, if you will. Imagine if you opened a chocolate and it actually made a promise, "The laundry will be done when you get home." Or, "Your boobs won't sag after child rearing--that's just something they tell you in high school so you won't have sex." "An all-Chipotle diet will help you lose those last ten pounds."
Now that's something I could get behind.
What is a promise you'd like to hear from a chocolate?

*The word "favorites" used here instead of "most wretched."


kristi noser said...

They could also make Dove Disfunctional Suggestions:

"Flirt with someone while your husband's watching."
"Tell a biker bitch her leather looks like crap."
"Tell a Trekkie that Captain Kirk is gay."

Yeah, my mind goes strange places at 430am.

Carla said...

You will survive motherhood.

You are getting better everyday.

Nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels.

Kim N. said...

"Next time you get pulled over, you will just get a warning"

"Your children will not remember they learned swear words from you"

erin said...

LOL. Nice, Kim N. Thanks!

Reegz said...

I love Carla's "skinny" promise! That fits great! And the boob one......that's a promise I would like to cash in on!!!!!!

Naomi said...

This chocolate will heighten your IQ.

You have been granted a stretch mark free pregnancy.

You will find $100 waiting for you at home today.

Your favorite discontinued flavor of ice cream will go back into production.

You will find a loose diamond today.

Your cars have been fixed. They are in perfect condition and very reliable.