It's gross--ask Naomi. She was on the receiving end of a particularly nasty cat sneeze yesterday.
He was sneezing so much and so profusely yesterday and last night that I looked up his symptoms (sneezing, watery eyes, lethargy, moaning and growling when touched) online. The WWW suggested either an upper respitory infection or feline leukemia.
Reading the words "feline leukemia" reminded me *DING* that Kitty is about 6 months overdue for his shots.
So, today I called the vet and set up an appointment. I told her, "I'm pretty sure he's got an URI (veterinary lingo for Upper Respitory Infection), and he needs his shots so I'd like to bring him in. My husband can bring him this afternoon if you have room."
I got the appointment scheduled and moved heaven and earth so that Rich could get there by 2pm today. (The clinic we use is about an hour away from our house.)
Yessiree, Kitty has an URI.
Nosiree they won't give him his shots while he has an infection.
$70 later, I still have to take the damn cat back to the vet in two weeks for shots.
What do you think the odds are that I'm going to be able to get my husband to take a terrified, yowling cat to the vet an hour away again in two weeks?
I'd say pretty slim.
It's not that I wanted to run the cat to the vet for any old thing--I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to kill two birds (ha, ha) in one stone, so to speak.
Alas, I was thwarted in my efforts to be efficient and thrifty.
Mayhaps it's time to find a vet a bit closer to home?
This whole stupid thing is making me veeeerrrrrrry cranky. Stay away.
Poor Kitty, and poor you. It's a committment to have pets. Glad you're being responsible.
The disclaimer makes it impossible for me to comment.
oh, honey, only $70.00 so far? Your wonderful Kitty is worth it and more.
You will get no guff from the Dopkii family, who notoriously fork over for surgeries to improve our dog's quality of life. (Spud had an anal gland issue. We are all much more comfortable now)
oh, and we recently had Fritos teeth surgically cleaned.
Pets ARE our best friends, even when they do yucky, gross, irritating things.....
Hey, anybody want 2 cats? I will PAY you to take them.
I'll take kitty to the vet for you if you can't find time in your schedules
I'm serious.
Mark Felton
You guys are all so sweet. I'm actually a little bleary-eyed.
Thanks, Wogdog.
You'll all be happy to know Kitty is feeling better and acting a lot more like himself again.
Aww, Kitteh :(
I feel like I should come spend a weekend with's what we do. I watch reruns on your couch, he sleeps on my stomach.
Except then I'll be the one sneezing and moaning.
Alas, Kitteh makes me sick.
The title of this blog reminds me of a song:
Won't you take me to
Won't you take me to
Paul and Gail Myers have a cat (minus all the natural fluids) in a ceramic container sitting on their refrigerator. Perhaps you could trade?
Did you not see the disclaimer, anonymous?
Ewww. Cats in containers. Ewww.
I love it when Kristi adds a musical touch to things. It's like the soundtrack to life.
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