Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Kicking Myself

I just got busted complaining about a co-worker.
I told her I was sorry.
The fact that what I was saying was true bears absolutely no weight when I get caught being a total ass.
Ugh. I feel awful.

Lord, I have so much
to work on in my dark heart.
Help me hold my tongue.


Naomi said...

How did you get busted? Did she hear you, or did someone else tell on you? That happened at a job I had once. I have never felt so small and embarassed. I, however, said sorry to the coworker, then in my unrepentant heart wrote a letter to my boss explaining why I was not at fault and shouldn't have had to apoligize, and then quit one week later.

Anonymous said...

Wow Naomi, that sounds like a mature attitude. lol


Naomi said...

Thanks. The point of that story was to congratulate Erin on how good her attitude is, not give her pointers on how to handle it.

erin said...

LOL. I got that, Nene. Love you.

kristi noser said...

We never stop having to learn things do we? Sounds like something I would do. Kudos to you girl for apologizing--even though when you have your shoe firmly entrenched in your mouth, sometimes it is difficult.
I'm proud of you for doing the right thing after you did the wrong thing.

Anonymous said...

and I'm proud of you all the time.
Love, Aunt Kris