Thursday, May 10, 2007

Your Mom

My mom says I have to blog.
[Cue eye-rolling, a la my 13-year-old-self.]

I'm sorry, guys but I don't have much to say, and beLIEVE me, I try all day every day (usually until I fall asleep) to think of new and interesting blog topics. My energy is taken up in other projects right now (Wink, wink to those of you who know. Sorry to the rest of you, you'll have to find out in June. June 22, to be precise, actually. No, I'm not blogging what it is, don't ask. I don't want to jinx it. I shouldn't even be talking about it this much.).

So, here are some other things on my mind.
1. Jenna is coming home on June 18, which also happens to be Richard's birthday! I can't WAIT to see her!
2. The Southwest Salad from McDonald's is pretty good.
3. I went tanning over lunch today, and couldn't relax because I could only think of all the energy I was wasting laying there in that electric bed of death. To be honest, I'm not sure I'll be going back. When did I turn GREEN?? What's next? I'll be voting for Hillary?! A full Democratic turn? Heaven forbid. (Seriously, heaven forbid.)
4. Softball season starts tonight! Come sit with us, "The First Wive's Club," at 6:45 at the Hudson fields. We'll be waiting for you at the top of the bleachers. It's free and it's going to be a beautiful night! Hope to see you there to cheer on Ricky-D, Double-A, Jared, and Nathan (I have yet to come up with obnoxious nick-names for the newbees. Suggestions are welcome.)


Anonymous said...

Jared needs to be J-rod.
Nathan, hmmmmmm.


erin said...

In reference to #3 about turning Green, I once heard someone say, "I don't need to preserve the Earth for future generations. I'm never having kids. I run my sprinklers 24 hours a day."
One of the funniest things I've ever heard.
I like "J-Rod," Mom. Good work.

Anonymous said...

Now that G-ma has started soaking up electric waves, and your aunt has voted outside party lines in a recent election you can be assured that the end of the earth is near. Tan away darlin'. Won't matter anyway.

Love, Aunt Kris

hannahjane said...

i've been tanning outside. c'mon erin, it's gorgeous!

Naomi said...

Great game last night from the top of the bleachers! I am a new member of the First Wives Club. I think it's gonna be a good year...

Brandy Dopkins said...

believe me, I know blogging dry spells. They are good and healthy. Enjoy life outside the computer room. I can't wait to hear what you come up with when you are feeling refreshed.