Monday, June 04, 2007

A Year in Haiku

Saturday was my
blog's first birthday, same day as
my boss' birthday.

How ironic that
a year ago I started
blogging on June two.

I didn't even
work for him yet at that time--
a year full of change.

Now I'm thinking of
where my career might go next.
Options are plenty.

Found one that looks good,
revamping my resume
wish me luck, dear friends!

Today's a big day
many customers in town
to listen: sales pitch!

Dropped a hundred bucks
on a new dress for the day
and it has a hole!

Stitched it up at my
desk; thank goodness for learning
the whip stitch this year.

There's lots more to say,
it's a year later; seems I've
got haiku to spare.

A year in haiku:
Mandi has graduated,
I'm so proud of her!

I'm getting published!
I still can't believe it. I'll
sign all your copies.

Richard has straight A's
I couldn't be more proud, babe.
He's doing so great!

Naomi's Prego [with meat],
can't wait for Little Precious
to arrive this fall.

Sorenson's sold their
house after thirty-plus hard,
grueling showings. Yeah!

Cara's selling rings,
and necklaces and earrings;
still crackin' folks' backs.

Jenna's coming home--
I can't wait to have her back,
even for a bit.

That's a year formed in
lovely phrasing called haiku
cuz I'm a master.

Thanks for making this
haiku lady such a hit,
I love you, blog friends!


kristi noser said...

That was a haiku mouthful! Nice to see you still plying the haiku trade.

Carla said...

Happy Birthday to your blog Erin! You are my favoritest haiku lady!

Kim N. said...

Wow, Thats all I can say. Wow!