Sunday, August 03, 2008

Vee Bee Ess

Vacation Bible School starts tomorrow morning.
I L.O.V.E. VBS. Love.
I am so excited.
If you think of us, please pray for us. Pray that God would use me and alllllll the other volunteers for His glory in these kids lives. Please pray, also that lives would be changed, that God's spirit would be in every exciting detail, and that our focus will remain on Him.

Thank you, Lord, for the opportunity to serve You in this way.
Please make avery action, word and moment count.


Katie R. said...

I love VBS!

God bless FCC's VBS. Have a great week!

Kara Jo said...

I am so so so thankful for you and all the other volunteers who put their heart and energy into helping my kiddos know God, His love, and His power. Thank you for giving of your time Erin!!!