Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Dear Co-Workers

Dear Co-Workers,
It is SO funny when you come to check out my candy dish, find it empty, and pretend to dump out the imaginary candy. I almost pee my pants with glee when you turn the bowl upside down and bang on the bottom like it's a ketchup bottle, as if you might be able to get out any last pieces. I also think it's really hilarious when you dig around in the empty candy dish pretending to fish for any leftover candies. I'm crying with laughter.
Really, it cracks me up every time. You are a comic genius.
No! No, I don't think you're a freeloading vulture at all! Are freeloading vultures as hilarious as you?
Um, NO. No way!
YOU are funny.
Funny, funny, funny. Really. Good joke.


kristi noser said...

I smell teensy bit of sarcasm here. I didn't think you were a sarcastic person Erin...

Katie R. said...

Once again Erin you get the award for "Weirdest Co-Workers". Who hired those people? I worked in an office once, for a part-time summer job. I feel your pain but certainly YOU win the award.

Anonymous said...

How about stuffing the bowl with pepper gum? Or the candy that makes your mouth black?

Ohhhh, I'm so nas-tay.

erin said...

Oh, Kelli.
It's not often that I laugh out loud (for real) at the computer.
You usually bring it out of me.

Anonymous said...

I aim to please.