Wednesday, September 05, 2007

New Life Rule

Dear Young Women around my age;
A new Life Rule for you:
Don't wear shoes in which you are unable to walk.
3-inch heels' sex appeal is severely diminished if you walk like a club-foot.
Sincerely yours,


Elisabeth said...

You must have worn about the same kind of shoes as I did today. Gosh my feet are killing me. I paused briefly this morning thinking about the fact that I ran yesterday and I might want to go easy on the shoes today...but I trudged on like a true woman (what's a little pain, for cute shoes)...I am now wishing it were five and hoping I can help mow the lawn tonight as planned...really I would just like to go home, crawl in bed and elevate those tootsies.

Thanks for making me feel like someone out there understands today!

erin said...

I, too, enjoy a cute pair of shoes, but the rule stands:
If you clomp, clomp, clomp in your shoes, LEAVE THEM AT HOME! : )
Not that I think you would do that, Lis! : )

Brandy Dopkins said...

Wise advice, I know. Yet I tend to wear any shoe no matter how unsensible if it makes me feel sassy.

I have so few rebellions left in life.

erin said...

Wear anything you want! As long as you can walk!!
That's all I'm saying!

Lis said...

And here's the thing...I had so many people tell me how cute my shoes were my reply was:

"Thanks, they hurt!"

now I am home, milking the barefoot style and relishing it!

Kristin said...

I think I'll wear these fabulous shoes that make me look stylin' but hurt my feet like no other and could leave me able to wear nothing but bedroom slippers when I'm over 50.

Does that sound stupid to you?

Carla said...

I would add
If you can't walk in your shoes but feel you must please wear them to the State Fair so I can giggle.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Carla. My favorite place to look for stupid shoes and wardrobe choices is the airport. Do they really want to wear that outfit for an unknown amount of time in an airport? Hurry, take your shoes off, get wanded by an idiot, drop something, bend over, squeeze into your seat all while wearing tight pants a halter and stilettos!