Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy New Year!

Hello, fellow bloggers! I've missed you.
I'm sorry I've been so long in posting, but I was out of town.
We went to Nebraska for my cousin Miranda's wedding. It was a wonderful wedding, and it all happened just in the nick of time because the next day we got 12 inches of snow! We didn't think we would make it home.
My pics from the wedding didn't turn out very well (I have since upgraded my camera), but here are a few of my favorite photos.

Mir and her new daughter Kayley. (Isn't this a cute photo?!)

The wedding party.

The Unity Candle

This one didn't turn out very well, but don't they look happy?

The best story from the weekend happened during the snowstorm. Adam, the groom, had gone to pick up Grandma at her house the day after the wedding. My mom said to him, "Grandma will need help getting into the Land Rover." So, Adam, the perfect gentleman, got down on one knee and clasped his hands together as if he was going to help Grandma on to a horse.
Too funny.

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