Thursday, November 15, 2007


It was 5:13 this morning when Richard woke me up talking in his sleep (this NEVER happens).
The cat quietly crept up and laid on my shoulder (balanced perfectly on my side) with his nose behind my ear. I have no idea how often he does this.
I thought for sure I saw something shadowy moving out of the corner of my eye.
I could hear Pedro growling and whimpering in his sleep.
I heard something moving outside.
All of these things put together totally freaked me out.
I woke Richard up.
"Hi. What are you dreaming about?"
"Autobots." He proceeded to make Autobot noises.
"Really? Do you have to go to the bathroom?"
"Um, no."
"Oh. I think you should. And while you're up, can you check for the boogeyman?"
"Erin, there's no one here."
"There might be."
"Pedro would be going nuts if someone was here."
"Unless Pedro is already dead!" I said.
I knew if I talked long enough Rich would have to go to the bathroom.
My persistence paid off.
Richard checked--no boogeyman.

Turns out, the tarp had blown off the A/C unit.


Katie R. said...

Yes, if you keep talking they do go check. Too funny. Husbands, gotta love 'em.

Elisabeth said...

thank goodness for persistance ERIN!

zcoffeegirl said...

One trick my DH does to me, he'll get up to go the bathroom and come back to bed. Then I'll hear running water noises...shhhhshhhhh...followed by comments of "water", "water". You could try that one on him. It always works on me, doggone it.

angie said...

BAH HA. love it, erin.

kristi noser said...

Whew! I was kinda worried for a minute there.

Anonymous said...

I want to hear the Autobot noises.

theswamphare said...

So, did you ever find the footprints of the guy that loosened the tarp and stared in through your window?

erin said...


zcoffeegirl said...

That's not nice, Swampy. You sound like one of my older brothers.