Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Mental Health Day

I stayed in bed today until 2pm.
I'm not sick, but not feeling very well.
I wish I got sick days and mental health days. They are two very different things.


Anonymous said...

Erin, I hope you got some rest and start feeling better.

kristi noser said...

Yeah, on mental health days you go to the MOA.

Anonymous said...

That would be just plain mental.

-V- said...

It was that Starbucks-till-midnight hangover... I had one too, but am too attached to my remaining holiday PTO to sleep in today. Hope you feel energized again soon. Fun to hang out with you last night!

Katie R. said...

Take it easy. Keep your jammies on and rest. If you need to have a little excitement I heard Pedro's fun with popcorn? Growing babies is hard work.

Elisabeth said...

vacation from the vacation! I felt the same way on Sunday night and fell asleep watching a movie with my husband.

Take care and feel better!

Carla said...

Oh rest up, sweets. I remember Patrick allowed me a whole day in bed when I was pregnant with number 3. Or was it number 4?! It was heavenly.

Kelli said...

I was the same way yesterday...wait, I'm not pregnant, am I??


Kelli said...

(That was a a laugh from the crazy woman I would be if I were pregs...just so ya know)

theswamphare said...

Isn't being 'Bed-ridden' how you become bed-ridden?

kristi noser said...

Swamps, ya kill me--again!