Monday, October 22, 2007


I begin this post by singing, "Don't park, don't park, don't park so close to me," a la Sting.
I once went shopping with my Grandma Jean (Nebraska Grandma) and she opened her car door into another car. She said, "I'm old. I can do this sort of thing."
Yeah, well.
I'm pregnant. I can do that sort of thing.
Last week I dinged the door of a pretty navy blue BMW, a black Audi and several other imports in our parking lot. I don't mean to. It just happens. Almost every day.
Seriously. Don't park next to me.

I haven't dinged anything yet today...not a bad way to start the week.

A Halloween-esque Haiku in honor of door dings:

The phantom dinger--
She comes by it nat'rally.
Park far, far away.


-V- said...

I'll bring you Smarties in prison... Might be hard to blog from in there though.

LadyD said...

Loved your confessions, I once took off the whole back side of a car when I turned out too quickly from my parking spot- If it's that bad now just wait till your 40 weeks along!! Laura

Anonymous said...

I was dinged the other day at County Market WHILE I WAS SITTING IN THE CAR. I literally didn't know what to do. I couldn't jump out of the car yelling, not because I'm such a nice guy, but because I am afraid of conflict. When I checked, I didn't notice anything new among the dents that are already there -

Dawne said...

I was dinged while I was in the car too. It was a little old man. What got me though was that he looked right at me and turned around and walked away. I was stunned.

Mandi said...

I like the lady who dinged me with her Lexus (just like Naomi and Jared's), and ended up with paint on her car. My plastic Saturn was just fine :)

This is the only situation that i've ever been able to break the awkward silence with one word.


angie said...

alright, as the owner of a new car, i shake my fist at you! sorry, i'm not letting your prego-self off for this one, criminal.

Mamarazzi said...
