Thursday, October 11, 2007

Of Course

Of COURSE I'm wearing khaki pants today.
Of COURSE I spilled guacamole ALL over them.

I'm just saying.


angie said...

sort of reminds me of this morning. when i opened a new box of raisin nut bran. and it fell upside down. on the only five feet of our apartment covered with carpet. AWESOME.

erin said...

You need a dog.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! If you let your dog eat a box of raisin bran you better have a big yard!

Best part of coming home for lunch. I can always change my clothes! (I always think it is funny when the co-workers don't notice the change.)

Anonymous said...

Here to sympathize... spilt my ENTIRE cup of coffee on my khakis at work today - looked like I peed my pants. I had to go home and change and then stay late to make up for lost time. Dang spills!