Friday, October 05, 2007

A Song in Your...Heart?

WARNING: This post contains mildly graphic content.

This morning in the ladies room, I was in a stall next to a woman who hummed the entire time she tinkled.
Talk about keeping a song in your heart. That was one joyful woman.

Sometimes I get so wrapped up in Corporate America that I can't tell what's normal and what's weird anymore.

Just to confirm, humming while peeing is weird, right?


-V- said...

Absolutely. Boucoup weird. Especially in a public bathroom. Are you sure 'she' was human...??

Anonymous said...

i think it depends on what she was humming. the star wars theme song, that would be very, very weird. but just a regular humm noise so that you are not thinking about the pee noise from the stahl next door, thats ok. i am not saying this is something i would do. because we all know i have my own voices going on in my head, and i am pretty sure they block out all the noises from all the stahls in the bathroom.
love sash

Kristin said...

I've been known to chat with people in other stalls and been informed that's weird, so I'm thinking humming is way weird. I'm just saying...

erin said...

Chatting, I can deal with.
Humming is a little much.
I should have hummed along. How funny would THAT have been??

Cara said...

I guess it's better than listening to her farts or something, but still agreed--a bit strange!

zcoffeegirl said...

Okay..let me try this again...what I was trying to say before I had to delete my comments was..let the poor lady hum. We hum when we're happy..maybe this poor woman had to work longer than she liked and had to pee really bad. When she FINALLY got to pee, she was so happy because it just felt so good. Not that I know anything about that...I think humming and peeing could be a great combination. I double dog dare you to join in next time.

erin said...

You know, coffeegirl...I might just take you up on that...

kristi noser said...


-V- said...

Kristi - I know, huh. Figures that the squid herself would sympathize with this... Something's fishy if you ask me.

zcoffeegirl said...

I don't even like fish...I don't eat anything that swims....I think it's kind of sweet that the lady was humming while she was peeing. Who knows what is in her life..I mean..maybe humming is the only thing that brings her joy...or maybe it's the only time that she is absolutely "alone" know...there could be lots of little people at her house and it could be a huge luxury to pee in a small space without anyone touching you, asking you for a drink or saying "Mama Mama" eight thousand times in a row....give the poor woman a break already. Again, I can't relate, just trying to empathize a little.

erin said...

Coffeegirl? Are you empathising or venting?
Either are welcome!
Also, she wasn't exactly ALONE.

zcoffeegirl said...

I'm not saying.

Carla said...

I think it's hysterical that she hummed. She may have been drowning out the sound of her peeing. Humming is such a happy sound from adults. From kiddos? Not so much.

Anonymous said...

Erin, You could of asked her for some T-Pee and said, "I can name that Tune in 3 Notes!"