Thursday, October 04, 2007

The Office

Yesterday I was talking with one of my co-workers when she said, "Are you growing your hair out?"
I said, "Yes! Do you like it?"
She said, "Um,'s ok."


Anonymous said...

Never, never do this.

erin said...

Never, never do WHAT? There are so many things wrong with the conversation. 1. I asked if she liked it.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

What about when you get a haircut a person asks "Did you get a haircut" and you respond "Yes", and then that person says "Yeah, I didn't like it the last time you got it cut."


Carla said...

I'm sorry Erin. I like it.

Anonymous said...

Erin, your hair looks good. I've been growing mine out for some time too and nobody's even noticed. And I happen to know Pat is growing his out to replicate his sweet do from his high school years. Look at his's pretty dang funny.

theswamphare said...

I like to ask someone who's just gotten a haircut (particularly goth chicks) "Did you pay for that haircut?" Then I add "Well, you're paying for it now."

Kristin said...

This blog entry brings up something that's been bothering me since I was in MSP a few weeks ago. Lauren said, "I've liked your hair the last few times I've seen you." Without thinking I responded, "Thanks." To this moment I have no idea if she was talking to me, to Erin, to Pedro. I just don't know but was too embarrased to apologize at the time for stealing someone else's compliment.

erin said...

I'm sorry, but I don't remember the conversation. I really liked your hair, so let's assume it was meant for you. You are too funny.