Monday, October 01, 2007

Halloween Candy

There is ONE good thing about this part of the year--leading straight through til Easter.
The candy!
Somebody left me a bag of mixed candy (you know, one of those 5lb whompers that has 15 different kinds of candy?) and I've been eating myself sick on SweetTarts and Laffy Taffy all day.
Here are some gems from my taffy:
A. What does a pig put on his cut?
B. Why was the cat afraid of the tree?
C. What is a fish's favorite country?
D. Why is the baker so mean?

See comments for answers!


erin said...

A. Oinkment!
B. He was afraid of the Bark!
C. Finland!
D. Because he beats the bread!

Katie R. said...

I think D. should be "Because he punches the dough.". I bet that was a lost in translation accident. I'm glad about the candy, you sound much happier.

theswamphare said...

how's them chappy lips?
how did you tell Santa Claus
about the baby?

The Easter Bunny?
I had to quit all goodies
and make a big sign

"Please don't feed the Bear!
looked too much like Mr. Hutt
Sunday donut, though.

kristi noser said...

have you come down from the sugar high yet?

kristi noser said...

Oh, and Mark? I had to read that haiku three times before I knew what you meant...sheesh, I'm getting old.